No Quorum No Odessa City Council Work Session

Odessa, Texas/December 7, 2022-The Odessa City Council had scheduled a work session for 3pm on Tuesday, December 6th. 15 items were on the agenda. Then this happened. 

(Nat Snd) 

The first item on the agenda: Discussion and consider the reports and recommendations from Evergreen Solutions LLC. Representatives from Evergreen Solutions were at the Odessa City Council Chambers, when the announcement of the work session was canceled by City Councilman, District 2, Steve Thompson. 

(Steve Thompson, Odessa City Councilman, District 2-Odessa, Texas) 

Rumors had been circulating on social media that Mayor Javier Joven and the new City Council were considering the termination of the Odessa City Manager, Michael Marrero. 

(Steve Thompson, Odessa City Councilman, District 2-Odessa, Texas) 

During a phone interview with the Odessa City Secretary, Norma Grimaldo, confirmed that Mayor Javier Joven, Odessa City Councilmember-At Large, Denise Swanner and City Councilman, District 4 Greg Connell informed the City Secretary that they would make the work session. City Councilman, District 1 Mark Matta was not sure if would attend the scheduled meeting. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News Danny Barrera