Una Mano Amiga December Health Fair Event at Ramirez Park in the Southside of Odessa
Odessa, Texas/November 1, 2023-Una Mano Amiga, a Hispanic non-profit organization located at Dury Lane and South Crane in south Odessa announced during a special event planning luncheon, an event to help new residents to Odessa from various Latin American Countries including Cuba and Puerto Rico.
(Carol Uranga, Executive Director, Hispanic Heritage of Odessa & LULAC/Odessa, Texas)
Representatives from Medical Center Health System, St. Joseph Home Healthcare, several insurance companies operated by Hispanic Women attended the first of several meetings to prepare this event.
(Carol Uranga, Executive Director, Hispanic Heritage of Odessa & LULAC/Odessa, Texas)
El Grito de Unidad event is scheduled for the first week in December at Juan Alvarez Ramirez Park in the southside of Odessa.
(Luz Amparo, Executive Director-Una Mano Amiga/Odessa, Texas)
For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.