Odessa College Celebrates Another Spring Record Enrollment

Odessa,Texas/April 12, 2023-Odessa College celebrated 8082 Spring record enrollment; a 5 percent increase over the 2022 spring semester. OC faculty, staff, board members and stakeholders celebrated at the Amphitheater in the Commons area behind the Saulsbury Campus Center. 

(Dr. Gregory Williams, President-Odessa College/Odessa, Texas) 

OC’s success comes from being part of the community by supporting the students attending Odessa College and being engaged in partnerships that move OC forward and help grow the local economy. 

(Dr. Gregory Williams, President-Odessa College/Odessa, Texas) 

Odessa College has continued to increase its enrollment each year for the last 10 years, while most colleges and universities have seen decreases in enrollment because of the economy and pandemic. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.