ECISD 2nd Graders Get New Bikes Courtesy of OXY, Wish for Wheels-DRB Media Communications Digital News

Odessa, Texas/November 16, 2022-On Tuesday, November 15th, parents of 2nd graders at Camerson Elementary gathered at the school in anticipation for a very special surprise. A group of Occidental Petroleum-OXY employees in partnership with Wish for Wheels, a non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado, delivered bikes to the 2nd grade level students. 

(Shelly Williams, OXY Community Relations/Employee Engagement-Permian Basin) 

The administration at Cameron Elementary were notified this past summer of the bike give-away to the 2nd grade students. 

(Margarita Acosta, Principal-Cameron Elementary-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

One parent had planned to buy a bike for her son for Christmas. 

(Liz, Alexander Leyva’s Mother-Odessa, Texas) 

Volunteers fitted each student with a helmet, and made sure that the bike was properly adjusted for them. Students who have never ridden a bike, were given a quick riding lesson. 

(Jade Garcia, 2nd Grader-Cameron Elementary-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

(Alexander Leyva, 2nd Grader-Cameron Elementary-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas)  

Wish for Wheels partners with companies who fund, build and donated brand news bikes and helmets to 2nd graders. 

Approximately 568 2nd grade students from Cavazos Elementary, West Elementary and Camerson Elementary received brand new bikes and helmets. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 

Ector County ISD School Nutrition Host Food Show & Exhibition-DRB Media Communications Digital News

Odessa, Texas/October 29, 2022-Ector County ISD School Nutrition hosted a Food Show and Exhibition at the Odessa Marriott and Conference Center. Students and their families were involved in the menu process by sampling the various food items from the biggest names in food service. 

(Erika Chavez, Parent-Odessa, Texas) 

Students like their lunches to be visually appealing. Ector County ISD School Nutrition makes an effort to accommodate hungry students. 

(Jieun Pando, Director-Ector County ISD School Nutrition-Odessa, Texas) 

The samples from the food service vendors were very tasty and appealing to some students at the event. 

(Kenny Arias, Student-Sam Houston Elementary-Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

(Haley Cross, Senior-Odessa High School-Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 

Red Ribbon Week Kick Off at Ector County ISD-DRB Media Communications Digital News

Odessa, Texas/October 24, 2022-Ector County ISD held its annual Red Ribbon Week-a drug prevention awareness program. This program educates school age children of the dangers of drug use and addiction.  

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of School-Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Red Ribbon Week is also a remembrance of DEA Special Agent Enrique “KiKi” Camarena, who was tortured and killed by Mexico’s biggest marijuana and cocaine traffickers in 1985. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of School-Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Ector County ISD acknowledges that drug and alcohol use exist within the school population and community. Focusing on healthy living is important for a student’s academic success. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of School-Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Fentanyl is on the rise and affecting all age groups especially young students. This deadly substance is being mixed in alcohol, tabacco and vaping cigarettes. 

(Diana White, Director of Youth Prevention Program-Permian Basin Regional Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse-Odessa, Texas) 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 

ECISD 18+Transition Learning Center Prepares Students For Life-DRB Media Communications Digital News

Odessa, Texas/October 6, 2022-The Ector County ISD 18 Plus Transition Learning Center located at 1111 W. 12th Street hosted the National Disability Employment Awareness Month Kick-Off Ceremony. Local and State political representatives along with ECISD school board trustees attended the ceremony. 

(Dallas Kennedy, ECISD Transition Felicitator-Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Students participate in a variety of activities in combination of classroom and community-based environments for individuals with disabilities who are 18 to 21 years-of-age and have met all their high school requirements. 

(Micah Pettigrew, Special Education Supervisor Over Autism, Homebound and 18+-Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Texas State Representative Brooks Landgraf, District 81 authored House Bill 119 known as Daniel’s Law, which prohibits organ transplant recipient discrimination on the basis of certain disabilities. ECISD’s 18 Plus Transition Learning Center provides services and resources for students with disabilities and also for their families as they transition from school to life after high school graduation. 

(Brooks Landgraf, District 81-Texas State Representative) 

Dallas Kennedy Ector County ISD Transition Felicitator spoke passionately to the business community, Odessa City Council representatives, the Odessa Chamber and to State officials of the importance of persons with disabilities be employed. 

(Dallas Kennedy, ECISD Transition Felicitator-Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

The Ector County ISD 18 Plus Transition Center students learn and use skills necessary to function independently as possible. 

(Jadon Talley, Ector County 18+ Transition Center-Student) 

(Carlos Casas, Jr., Ector County 18+ Transition Center-Student) 

(Joshua Gomez, Ector County 18+ Transition Center-Student) 

Students participate in a variety of activities so that the last day of school is identical to the first day of the rest of their lives. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 

Ector County ISD Host College Night Event-DRB Media Communications Digital News

Odessa, Texas/October 1, 2022-Ector County ISD hosted a College Fair in the ICA Community Gym at the Odessa College Sports Center. 51 colleges and universities and the military gave information to middle school and high school students preparing for higher learning and active military service. 

(Elizabeth Gray, Post-Secondary Coordinator, Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Reduced tuition and other programs help students decide which institution they want attend. 

(Elizabeth Gray, Post-Secondary Coordinator, Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

The military service is an option for many students graduating from high school. 

(Elizabeth Gray, Post-Secondary Coordinator, Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Several thousand students with parents attended the ECISD College Night. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.

National Board Certification For Professional Teaching Standards ECISD Presentation-DRB Media Communications Digital News

Odessa, Texas/September 26, 2022-Ector County ISD recently held an event to introduce teachers to the NATIONAL BOARD CERTIFICATION FOR PROFESSIONAL TEACHING STANDARDS. Approximately 46 ECISD teachers are currently enrolled int the National Board Certification. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD-Odess, Texas) 

The National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification currently available in education.  

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD-Odess, Texas) 

The State of Texas will pay the costs for ECISD teachers to take the certification. The Permian Strategic Partnership has a budget of 2 million dollars for coaching and other support for those teachers already in the National Board Certification program. 

This is DRB Media Communications Digital News.