ECISD 2nd Graders Get New Bikes Courtesy of OXY, Wish for Wheels-DRB Media Communications Digital News
Odessa, Texas/November 16, 2022-On Tuesday, November 15th, parents of 2nd graders at Camerson Elementary gathered at the school in anticipation for a very special surprise. A group of Occidental Petroleum-OXY employees in partnership with Wish for Wheels, a non-profit organization based in Denver, Colorado, delivered bikes to the 2nd grade level students.
(Shelly Williams, OXY Community Relations/Employee Engagement-Permian Basin)
The administration at Cameron Elementary were notified this past summer of the bike give-away to the 2nd grade students.
(Margarita Acosta, Principal-Cameron Elementary-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas)
One parent had planned to buy a bike for her son for Christmas.
(Liz, Alexander Leyva’s Mother-Odessa, Texas)
Volunteers fitted each student with a helmet, and made sure that the bike was properly adjusted for them. Students who have never ridden a bike, were given a quick riding lesson.
(Jade Garcia, 2nd Grader-Cameron Elementary-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas)
(Alexander Leyva, 2nd Grader-Cameron Elementary-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas)
Wish for Wheels partners with companies who fund, build and donated brand news bikes and helmets to 2nd graders.
Approximately 568 2nd grade students from Cavazos Elementary, West Elementary and Camerson Elementary received brand new bikes and helmets.
For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.