Ector County ISD Welcomes Students Back to School

West Odessa-Ector County/Odessa, Texas/August 9, 2023-Ector County ISD welcomed students to the first day of school at several elementary schools across the district: Jordan Elementary, Burleson Elementary and Carver. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa) 

Students at Buddy West Elementary in West Odessa were excited to see old friends and making new friends as well as meeting the new first year teacher. 

(Lesslie Ronquillo, First Year 5 Grade Math Teacher-G.E. Buddy West Elementary School/Ector County ISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Ector County ISD estimates about 33,500 students will be attending school during the 2023-2024 school year. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa) 

Ector County ISD reminds motorists to be aware that school has started, and students are walking to and from school, and buses are on the road. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 

Ector County ISD Holds School Bond Proposal Town Hall Meeting at Travis Elementary

Odessa, Texas/August 4, 2023-Ector County ISD held a Town Hall meeting at Jordan Elementary in North Odessa and at Travis Elementary in South Odessa.  Residents heard a presentation by Scott Muri Superintend of Schools at ECISD on a $427 million dollar plus bond proposal. Chris Stanley, President of the Board of Trustees, Delma Abalos and other school officials also provided information on the needs of the school district. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, College) 

Scott Muri has heard from residents of Odessa and Ector County who are in favor of the bond proposal. The Permian Basin Strategic Partnership has agreed to add more funding if the bond proposal is passed. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, College) 

An issue that was brought up during the town hall meeting was the increase in property taxes. 

(Natividad Armendariz, Odessa Resident-Supports School Bond Proposal) 

Natividad Armendariz added that if the School Bond Proposal does not pass, residents will pay more in taxes on any future school bond proposals. 

(Natividad Armendariz, Odessa Resident-Supports School Bond Proposal) 

The more than $427 million dollar school bond proposal includes a new middle school, maintenance and repairs, transportation, fine arts, athletics, transition learning Center, Technology Department and Agriculture. The next town hall will be on August 7th at 6:00pm at West Elementary and Permian High School. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 


Odessa Chamber of Commerce and Chevron Welcomes New Teachers for the 2023-2024 ECISD School Year

Odessa, Texas/August 1, 2023-The Odessa Chamber of Commerce along with Chevron and other sponsors held the 8th annual 2023-2024 New Teacher Welcome for Ector County ISD. Over 60 businesses, banks, various church representatives and other organizations helped welcome the new educators. 

(Grayson Hankins, President of the Board of Directors-Odessa Chamber of Commerce/Odessa, Texas) 

Erica Belanger is a former banker, and now a first-year 4th grade teacher at Burnett Elementary. She’s excited about being able to bring her real-life experiences as a banker to the classroom to help her students succeed. 

(Erica Belanger, New Teacher-4th Grade/Burnett Elementary-ECISD/Odessa, Texas) 

At the beginning of the week, Ector County ISD held the New Teacher University. This is ECISD’s orientation for new teachers that are new to the school district.  

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Approximately 200 international teachers from 26 countries were welcomed at the Odessa Chamber of Commerce-Chevron reception at the MCM ELEGANTE HOTEL & FUNDOME. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 

Ector County Republican Women Club Welcomes Sherronna Bishop “America’s Mom” and Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-ECISD

Odessa, Texas/May 18, 2023-The Ector County Republican Women’s Club held their monthly meeting at the Odessa Country Club. Members heard a presentation and school updates from Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools at Ector County ISD. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Dr. Muri informed the Ector County republican Women’s Club, that the State of Texas currently has a 32.5-billion-dollar surplus that school districts across the state would like to get a portion of the budget surplus. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

The Ector County Republican Womens Club featured guest speaker Sherrona Bishop, “America’s Mom,” a constitutional conservative, who defends core values of those who do not want to lose the freedoms and rights of all citizens who live in the United States of America. 

(Sherronna Bishop, “AMERICA’S MOM”) 

Sherronna Bishop is an advocate for parental rights, she brings hope and inspiration to those who feel arrested by the political correctness and false narratives. 

(Sherronna Bishop, “AMERICA’S MOM”) 

 If you’re interested in following Sherronna Bishop go to social media platforms for information and commentary. 

(Sherronna Bishop, “AMERICA’S MOM”) 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 


Ector County ISD Teacher Incentive Allotment Programs at Wilson & Young Medal of Honor MIddle School

Odessa, Texas/May 15, 2023-Superintendent of Schools Dr. Scott Muri presented checks to 11 teachers at Wilson & Young Medal of Honor Middle school on Friday, May 12th, in recognition of the district’s most effective teachers. Two-hundred fifty-eight ECISD teachers earned more than $2.5 million dollars in incentives, who represent 38 Ector County ISD schools. 

(Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

The Teacher Allotment Program is designed to reward the most effective teacher, through increased academic growth of students in English, Math, Science and other core subjects.

(Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

There are three levels of distinction in the Teacher Incentive Allotment Program: The Recognized Teacher; The Exemplary Teacher and The Master’s Level Teacher. Sara Cox, a 6th Grade Teacher reached the level of Master’s Teacher and was awarded a check for 15 thousand dollars. 

(Sara Cox, 6th Grade Math Teacher-Wilson and Young Medal of Honor Middle School/ECISD-Odessa, Texas) 

Funding for the Teacher Incentive Allotment Program comes from the State of Texas, and was approved by the State Legislature several years ago. 

There is pending legislation to add another category to the Teacher Incentive Allotment Program and increased funding. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 


Ector County ISD Annual State of the District Event

Odessa, Texas/March 3, 2023-On Thursday, March 2nd, Ector County ISD hosted the annual State of the District. The presentation featured the significant progress made on multiple strategic plan initiatives presented by Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools at ECISD.  

(Dr. Adrian Vega, Executive Director-Education Partnership of the Permian Basin) 

The Ector County ISD’s school board spent more than a year working with school district employees, business leaders, and community members developing a strategic plan. In year three the plan led to several improvements like ECISD rated a “B” by the Texas Education Agency, overall academic growth and more. 

(Dr. Adrian Vega, Executive Director-Education Partnership of the Permian Basin) 

Music and entertainment were provided by the state-qualifying Broncho Mariachi, a three-time All-State Musician and an aspiring young cellist. Catering courtesy of the Culinary Arts students. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.