Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools at Ector County ISD Hosts 4th Annual State of the District

Odessa, Texas/March 8, 2024-Ector County ISD held the 4th annual State of the District hosted by Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Muri updated parents, educators and members of the community on several academic topics from 2019 up to 2024. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Prior to the State of the District presentation attendees enjoyed various treats created and presented by students of the culinary Arts program at Ector County ISD and entertainment provided by the Permian High School Jazz Band. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 

Odessa High School Goes Into Lockdown-Shots Fired In A OHS Parking Lot- One Injured

Odessa, Texas/February 26, 2024-On Monday morning, February 26th, Odessa High School was put into lockdown after a report of a student shot in the parking lot. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

One person, believed to be a female student was shot with non-life-threatening injuries. Several ECISD students were taken into custody. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas)  

At approximately 11:30am ECISD Police determined Odessa High School was safe and began releasing students. ECISD has announced that a 15-year-old male was charged with 2 counts of aggravated assault, Felony 2, Unlawful Carry Weapons, Class A Misdemeanor, Possession of a Controlled Substance, Feleony2  

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 

Hispanic Heritage of Odessa & LULAC Kickoff “Breakfast with a Champion” a New Monthly Event

Odessa, Texas/January 21, 2024-Hispanic Heritage of Odessa part of L.U.L.A.C. of Odessa kicked off a new monthly event called Breakfast with a Champion. This monthly event recognizes Educators, business leaders and those who have made an impact in the communities of Odessa and Ector County. 

(Carol Uranga, Executive Director-Hispanic Heritage of Odessa/Odessa, Texas) 

The month of February, Hispanic Heritage of Odessa and L.U.L.A.C. recognized Dr. Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools at Ector County ISD for his continued leadership in educating the children of Ector County ISD. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 

Education Foundation of Odessa Partners with Chevron and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Odessa, Texas/December 15, 2023-The Education Foundation of Odessa announced its partnership with Chevron and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library to bring the gift of reading to children in Ector County. 

(Celeste Potter, Executive Director of Development-Ector County ISD/Education Foundation of Odessa-Odessa, Texas) 

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library will provide one engaging, high-quality book each month to Ector County children from age 0 to 5 years of age at no cost to families. 

(Valerie Acosta, Public and Government Affairs Advisor-Chevron/Midland, Texas) 

(Dr. Lilia Nanez, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Ector County ISD is responding to research that shows that reading at an early age supports early literacy, emotional bonding and opens a child to a world of possibilities. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library is now available to all age-eligible children in Ector County. To sign up, visit imaginationlibrary.com/check.availability/ 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 

2nd Annual Ector County ISD Food Nutrition Food Show

Odessa, Texas/November 5, 2023-Ector County ISD held its 2nd Annual ECISD School Nutrition Food Show at the Odessa Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. School nutrition vendors offered food samples that are served in school cafeterias. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of School-Ector County ISD/Odessa, Texas) 

Vendors presented various food items like: Pizza, Sweet and sour pork and rice, fruits and vegetables and other snacks. Parents and children voted on the vendor they would like to have at ECISD schools. 

(Brieanna, Ruben, son Roman-Payen Family/Odessa, Texas) 

Several hundred people including ECISD students attended the free event. 

(Ruben, son Roman, Brieanna-Payen Family/Odessa, Texas) 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera 


ECISD Announces Registered Apprenticeship Program for Teachers

Odessa, Texas/September 5, 2023-Ector County ISD announced the approval of the Registered Apprenticeship Program for Teachers through the U.S. Department of Labor. This apprenticeship program works in conjunction with already established teacher development pipelines like: Future Teachers of Odessa, Odessa Pathway to Teaching and OC2UTPB Teach in 3. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools, Ector County ISD, Odessa, Texas) 

A significant benefit of the Apprenticeship Program for Teachers, tuition and fees associated with earning a bachelor’s degree will be covered, and apprentices will earn a paycheck while working in the school district. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools, Ector County ISD, Odessa, Texas) 

Ector County ISD continues to partner with Odessa College and the University of Texas of the Permian Basin in finding solutions to the teacher shortage issue at ECISD. 

(Dr. Sandra Woodley, President-UT Permian Basin/Odessa, Texas) 

(Dr. Gregory Williams, President-Odessa College/Odessa, Texas) 

The Registered Apprenticeship Program for Teachers will launch in January 2024. 

(Scott Muri, Superintendent of Schools, Ector County ISD, Odessa, Texas) 

 Those interested in becoming a teacher contact the ECISD Talent Development Department at 432-456-0081. 

Ector County ISD’s program includes generous financial support from the Permian Strategic Partnership. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera