11th Annual Angel Driven Golf Tournament Benefit St Joseph and St Anthony Catholic Churches

Odessa, Texas/August 26, 2023-Golfers from around the Permian Basin came out Saturday morning, August 26th to support the 11th annual Angel Driven Golf Tournament. Funds raised from the tournament will go towards St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in south Odessa. 

 (Juan Luna, Tournament Director-”Angel Driven” Golf Tournament/Odessa, Texas) 

Approximately 35 teams and around 128 players took part in the Angel Driven Golf Tournament 

(Juan Luna, Tournament Director-”Angel Driven” Golf Tournament/Odessa, Texas)) 

This year the Angel Driven Golf Tournament has increased its sponsorship and hopes to also increase funds needed to help both south Odessa Catholic Church’s. 

(Juan Luna, Tournament Director-”Angel Driven” Golf Tournament/Odessa, Texas) 

Organizers of the Angel Driven Golf Tournament feel very blessed for the continued support and success of the annual event. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.