Ector County Republican Party Brings Valentines Day Joy to Sienna Nursing Residents

Odessa, Texas/February 16, 2025-Sienna Nursing and Rehabilitation held their special Valentines Party for its residents. The event featured food and drinks, music and the crowning of the Valentines King and Queen. 

(Rosie Garcia, Activity Director-Sienna Nursing and Rehabilitation/Odessa, Texas) 

Nurses and staff enjoyed this special time with residents. Some staffers get to hear living history and stories from its residents. 

(Abel Zuniga, Social Worker- Sienna Nursing and Rehabilitation/Odessa, Texas) 

Precinct Chairs along with the Party Chair and other officials of the Ector County Republican Party delivered Valentine Gift Bags that contained all types of goodies to the residents. 

(Ronnie Lewis, Precinct Chair 203-Ector County Republican Party/Odessa, Texas) 

Sienna Nursing and Rehabilitation would like to have more community involvement. If your organization or business would like to help call 432-333-4511 and ask for Rosie Garcia. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.  

Author: Danny Barrera

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