Odessa Downtown Lions Club’s First Annual Cultural Heritage Festival

Odessa, Texas/May 5, 2024-The Downtown Lions Club held its 1st Annual Cultural Heritage Festival at Odessa College Downtown. Several countries were represented at the event offering unique cuisine to visitors. 

(Javier Morales, Spokesperson-Downtown Lions Club/Odessa, Texas) 

The Downtown Lions Club Cultural Heritage Festival was presented to the public and was endorsed and supported by Odessa Mayor Javier Joven and the Odessa City Council. 

(Javier Joven, Odessa Mayor-City of Odessa/Texas) 

12 Countries were represented at the Cultural Festival that included: Egypt, Turkey, India, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia and the Phillipines and others. 

(Celeste Canedo, President-Cultural Celebrations Council of Odessa) 

(Sylvia Rodriguez-Sanchez, Visitor to the Event-Downtown Cultural Heritage Festival/Odessa, Texas) 

The Downtown Lions Club was thrilled that the Cultural Heritage Festival fell on 5 de Mayo weekend to offer the residents of Odessa other options to various multi-cultural events. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 


Author: Danny Barrera

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