Special Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to Officially Open the Yukon Road & Loop 338 Interchange

Odessa, Texas/April 28, 2024-On Friday April 26th, representatives with the Texas Department of Transportation, Odessa District and State Representative, District 81, Brooks Landgraf, along with Odessa Mayor Javier Joven, Odessa City Councilman, District 1 Mark Matta, Councilwoman At-Large Denise Swanner and Councilman, District 2 Steve Thompson joined the Odessa Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors for a special ribbon cutting ceremony to official open Yukon and East Loop 338 Overpass. Yukon and East Loop 338 will allow for motorists and commercial traffic to travel safely.  

(Brooks Landgraf, State Representative, District 81-Texas) 

The City of Odessa invested funds through the Odessa Development Corporation towards the Yukon/East Loop 338 project for future economic development in Northeast Odessa and key areas along the Loop. 

(Javier Joven, Mayor-City of Odessa, Texas) 

TxDot in partnership with Odessa, Ector County the City of Midland and Midland County, through the Permian Basin Metropolitan Planning Organization recognized that Yukon and East Loop 338 was a major priority area. 

(Eric Lykins, District Engineer-Texas Department of Transportation, Odessa District/Odessa, Texas) 

The total cost of the Yukon/Loop 338 interchange was 20 million dollars. TxDot will clean up and touchups and remove safety signs. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 


Author: Danny Barrera

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