Odessa, Texas/January 28, 2022-During the regular scheduled meeting of the Ector County Commissoners, Pricinct 4 Commissioner, Armando Rodriguez discussed his concern with the lack of plots for burials. Ector County has only one lot available on Muskingum and Myrtle for an extension of the Ector County Cemetery.
(Armando Rodriguez, Ector County Commissioner, Pct. 4)
A previous Ector County Commissioners Court several years earlier, voted not to extended the Ector County Cemetery. If there is evidence of that vote, there is the possibility of privatizing a new cemetery within the city limits.
(Armando Rodriguez, Ector County Commissioner, Pct. 4)
Commissioner Armando Rodriguez Rrequests resident of Ector County give feedback to other members of the commissioners court on the issue.
For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera.