Odessa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce & OHCC Ambassadors Ribbony Cutting at Lonestar Liquors & More

Odessa, Texas/April 23, 2023-The Odessa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and the Odessa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Ambassadors held a ribbon cutting ceremony at Lonestar Liquors and More located at West 8th Street and West Loop 338. 

(Savanah Morales, CEO-Odessa Hispanic Chamber/Odessa, Texas) 

Representatives of Hispanic Heritage of Odessa along with the owner and operator of Lonestar Liquors and More, celebrated the Grand Opening of store. 

(Stormy Salcido, Owner and Operator-LoneStar Liquors and More) 

The Odessa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce collaborates with the SBDC at UT Permian Basin as well as with other Hispanic Chambers of Commerce in the State of Texas. 

(Savanah Morales, CEO-Odessa Hispanic Chamber/Odessa, Texas) 

Follow the Odessa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on social media for upcoming events. 

For DRB Media Communications Digital News, Danny Barrera. 


Author: Danny Barrera

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